8 Best Practices to Improve Boiler’s Combustion Efficiency


When it comes to boilers, efficiency is everything. The idea is to use the burner to generate heat and transfer that heat to the water. This is referred to as a basic heat interchange principle. The faster the boiler can transfer heat (utilizing less fuel), the more efficient it is.

Plants can improve their efficiency by implementing a variety of strategies and components. Some of these can be complicated and costly additions, whereas others can be quick and extremely effective. Here are five techniques for increasing your boiler’s efficiency and lowering your facility’s fuel costs:

Reduce the Stack Temperature

Reducing stack temperatures can be as simple as adjusting the day/night cycle. When idling at night or on mild days, this decreases the working temperature for hydronic boilers and the pressure for steam boilers.

Regular Burner Tuning

Regarding boiler efficiency, one of the most common problems is needing more air. An ideal process delivers just enough air to allow the fuel to burn safely. To accomplish this, use an O2 probe to determine the air required. You can get your industrial burner combustion tuned in the spring and fall to ensure your combustion boiler is optimized for its normal firing rate.

Installing Thermometers and Gauges

The simplest way to determine your boiler’s efficiency is to install and monitor accurate thermometers and gauges. Thermometers and gauges measure your system’s vital signs. Differentials or large swings may indicate that additional investigation is required to prevent an even more massive issue.

Valve Insulation

Many plants take off the insulation from boiler room valves for servicing and never replace it because it is inconvenient. Exposing the large valves to air causes significant heat loss that makes the boiler room terribly hot. Insulating these valves can significantly reduce energy costs and enhance boiler room comfort.

Inspections of the Waterside and Fireside

The heat exchange depends on the waterside and fireside being in good condition. Scale and soot build-up reduce heat transfer, which increases fuel consumption. Schedule an annual boiler open, clean, and close maintenance to ensure your boiler performs optimally!

Combustion Air Preheater

Even with our low gas prices, running large boilers around the clock can quickly add up. The burner’s flame heats the incoming combustion air. Warmer air in the burner requires less fuel to generate the same amount of vapor in the boiler. A 40°F rise in fresh air temperature could reduce up to 1% of your fuel bill. In some cases, an air preheater could indeed recompense for itself in less than a year.

Steam Traps Survey

Steam traps stuck, worn out, or broken can allow valuable steam to escape into the condensate system. To run at peak efficiency, inspect your steam traps regularly and replace any broken or stuck traps.

Return the Condensate to the Boiler

Condensate is formed when steam transfers heat and condenses. It’s irresponsible to throw away this by-product. Reusing condensate reduces the amount of chemicals, cold makeup water, and treatment required by your boiler. Finally, returning condensate to the feed water system can lower sewer and wastewater treatment costs.

Energy inefficiency in boilers is caused not only by aging factors but also by heat losses. A less efficient boiler will increase your fuel costs. These tips may come in handy for increasing the efficiency of your boiler. We hope that the article answers your questions regarding your boiler’s efficiency!

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