What Is The Highest Temperature Thermocouple? Four Things To Know

Metering and control system with thermocouples

Thermocouples are temperature sensors that measure the temperature of an object by coming into contact with its surface. This sensor is thus referred to as a contact temperature sensor and it has a wide range of applications in many industries. A good example is the automotive industry where these devices are used for quality control. Since vehicle parts are likely to be subjected to very high temperatures, quality control engineers are likely to expose such parts to high temperatures in order to understand how they will hold up in real-world applications.

How Thermocouples Work

Thermocouple sensors work by taking advantage of the different thermodynamics of various materials. The devices typically have two wires that are made of different materials. The heating and cooling of these two materials create a voltage which is what the device uses to measure temperature variances. While the basic technology remains the same, thermocouples come in many different styles, each suited for a very particular use.

Use of Thermocouples

Thermocouples are used in a wide variety of industrial applications. They are very popular due to their accuracy as well as speed in getting a reading. The choice of which type of thermocouple you go for depends a lot on how you want to use it. This is because it comes in a variety of metal combinations and calibrations. For example, the most used type of thermocouples includes base metals. However, there are thermocouple temperature sensors that are used for measuring high ranges of temperatures. These typically include what are known as Noble metals. While the calibration determines the environment where the device can be used as well as the temperature range, the diameter of the device also helps to determine the maximum temperature that the particular device can measure.

Selecting The Right Thermocouple

When you are in the process of selecting the right thermocouple for your process, you must keep in mind a variety of factors. The first of these is to keep in mind the chemical resistance of the thermocouple metal combination that is used. You also need to keep in mind temperature ranges abrasion resistance and even how practical the design of the thermocouple is to how you want to use it. Finally, you will need to keep in mind the ease of installing the device at the point where you need to use it.

This matters because the Noble Metals used in high-temperature measurements by thermocouples are very sensitive to environmental factors. Not getting this right can lead to expensive mistakes, and could affect the utility of the products that you are making. At worst, defective products due to wrong temperature readings could lead to physical injuries and even death among the people using your products. For example, brake pads are usually tested for their consistency when being operated under high temperatures. A wrong temperature reading could lead to faulty brake pads and this in turn could have terrible consequences for people using these products. If you are looking for thermocouples with the highest temperature ranges, you need to consider platinum-rhodium devices which can measure temperature ranges between 1,400 degree Celsius (2,552°F) and 1,700 degree Celsius (3,092°F).

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